About the Founder – G B Ferrier

Gavin Bruce Ferrier – CONSULTANT

Gavin B Ferrier

I have over thirty years of general management, real estate, and investigation experience and have worked throughout Southern Africa during this period in the Commercial and Industrial sectors. I have conducted and managed various successful businesses and projects on behalf of clients across the business spectrum. I understand the importance of relationships, and how to use my gifts and passion to positively influence those I have come into contact with.



I have held general management and senior management positions in various sectors of trade and industry, so I have the natural gifting and the skills to manage and lead others.

I have been in the relationship business, and network effectively in the business sphere as a result of the relationships I have developed. I maintain that without truth there is no trust, and without trust there is no Relationship.

My passion is to encourage and assist all to understand the importance of “Vision, Mission, and Purpose” in business and life, and the importance of relationships to achieve it.


INVESTIGATIVE SKILLS – MY motto is “The truth shall prevail”.

I have over twenty years investigation and assessment of claims experience, and investigated cases of arson, fraud, theft, robbery, burglary, property damage, accidents and other insurance and commercial matters.

I have always through my natural gifting and investigative skills been able to establish the truth. The difficult part is always getting others to acknowledge the truth and sometimes only experience gets you through as you counsel the other party into truth if required moving forward.

I also need to use my gifts and share my skills to help others in their career path.

I quote; “It’s not just about winning, it’s about achieving your purpose, with passion and integrity.”



I am a fifty-three year old South African active Christian family man who loves a challenge and enjoys helping others achieve their goals. I have been married to Cheryl Ann Ferrier for over 33 years, and we have two adult sons Shaun 30 & Neil 27 and a foster daughter Marcia of 28 with one grandchild and another due in April.

My Christian belief and Family are my passion, and purpose of life and I will not compromise this.

I do not consume alcohol, drugs, or smoke cigarettes etc so I have no habits that will distract me, from always doing everything with passion and integrity


“Ready to Serve”

Contact me: gavin@judah.za.org


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About FIAC

Mr. Gavin Bruce Ferrier Dip. Prod, CEA, GA, CIPS, TRC, is the founder of FIAC, with over thirty years of general management and investigation experience and has worked throughout Southern Africa during this period in the Commercial and Industrial sectors. I have conducted and managed various successful businesses and projects on behalf of clients across the business spectrum. I understand the importance of relationships, and how to use my gifts and passion to positively influence those I have come into contact with.

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