Proverbs 4: 25 – 26
“Let your eyes look straight ahead. Fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.”


Dear believer, so often we gradually stray off track. We loose our focus, our perspective and our drive.

It is extremely important as children of the Most High God that we keep ourselves in check on a regular basis, ensuring that we are still on the right path and heading into the right direction.

Every child of God must take regular time-outs to consider all the different areas of their lives and whether or not they are still in line with where they desire to be heading. As Christians, our first priority should always be to walk holy before God and to remain in the path of His will in all areas of our lives and at all times.

A lot of Christians stray from the right path because they fail to remain focussed upon God and the cultivation of an intimate relationship with Him. Why does God want us to remain on course?

In the animal kingdom, to stray from your herd, means isolation, insecurity and certain death. In God’s Kingdom ‘straying’ means that you are in unknown territory, you are vulnerable and open to attack from the enemy.

I want to encourage you today: Get your life back on track! Take a time-out to re-evaluate your life and all the areas of your life. Make sure you invest enough time and energy in those areas that you feel are most important. Make sure you enquire as to God’s will for your life and that you remain in line with His Word. This will protect you!


“Heavenly Father, we admit this morning that we sometimes stray and go off track. We loose our focus and our drive. Help us to get back on track. Give us the wisdom to re-think our lives and take control over it by making the right and wise choices. Help us also not to stray from Your will for our lives. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Petro Mcleod
Spiritual Advisor

Blessings Petro, thank you for sharing with us. COOL friends have a blessed day and DO get back on track.

COOL with us always!


Gavin Bruce Ferrier

COOL Ministries International – COOL Cyber Church

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About FIAC

Mr. Gavin Bruce Ferrier Dip. Prod, CEA, GA, CIPS, TRC, is the founder of FIAC, with over thirty years of general management and investigation experience and has worked throughout Southern Africa during this period in the Commercial and Industrial sectors. I have conducted and managed various successful businesses and projects on behalf of clients across the business spectrum. I understand the importance of relationships, and how to use my gifts and passion to positively influence those I have come into contact with.

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